Tuesday, May 19, 2009


finally 3 papers are down. this thurs having geog paper. finish the notes alr so just have to read and memorise. (:
but history damn alot of notes can. will memorise until you ki siao one lah.

anw, today was pretty much a slackish day. nothing much.
today liyana had gastric pain which is killing her. so pain that me, deb and liyana soent the last 15 mins of school hours at the canteen. so shoik can. like the whole canteen so empty then only 3 people there hahahs.
hope liyana feel better. :D

these few days was very tired. also dont know why. maybe from studying for the exams. i slept almost every afetrnoon after i come home. i damn tired..

i think thast all for today. my sis is urging me to get off the comp. irritating.. :(
anws, bye(s) and night(s).

christine: dont get so high these few days. keep laughing so much. hahahs. :P

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