Friday, July 17, 2009



today is kelly's birthday so..

may all your wishes come true.
and may you have an enjoyable birthday. (which i believe you have!)


anws, had common test this morning was pretty fine. (:
then cme pretty boring. whoops. o.o
then assembly ended late and we went for recess late.
then geo, finish chapter 7.
then el, went through summary.

pretty short day yeah? HAHA.

then its powder time! went downstairs to spray powder at kelly then in the end me and christine kanna more. LOL.
then we play so many people staring. so paiseh.
then went to wash up then went hub.

wanted to watch harry potter at hub but filling fast and lots of people so we actaully decided to walk around then wen buy food then decided to go jubilee see if got tickets left or not. then walk there. brought tickets then anyhow walk until 2.35 we went to buy drinks and popcorn thn went in to sit down.
but overrall the show pretty boring loh. no offence lah. exept for some parts maybe. (:

then my sis told me to go fetch my bro which i dotn want then had a fight with her on the phone. then no choce have to rus back then walk halfway then my mum told me that my sis going fetch. wth lah. then come back she attitude me. asshole.

and here i am blogging. (: was facebook-ing just now. nothing much.
i think my phone bill this month comfirm bomb one loh. spend so much sms. omg. cofirm kanna scolding one loh. aiya. who cares. also not first time le loh.


okay lah. i gtg alr. so come back tomorrow for another post.
IM VERY TIRED AND I REEK OF THE SMELL OF POWDER! (i know thats disgusting. .___. )

anws, bye and night! have a good night people!

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