Monday, August 24, 2009


was a pretty normal day in school. (:
to summarise everything up,
school >> amk hub >> homed !! was a pretty short day.
im so tired that i actually slept in chinese lesson. ^^ like OMG lah. i just meant to put my head on the table and rest a while then in the end, i fell asleep and when bell rang, i dont even know. see howdeeply asleep i was. :B and i was sitting riht in front of the teacher adn luckily she never scold. ^^
ohya. and mr foo wasnt here today for physics and we had relief in the relief room. had a fun time playing truth or dare with kelly,christine, sunicia and ffion. everybody was sabo-ed just to be fair. (:
i really wonder when was the last time i really laugh and enjoy times with my friends. :)

anws, was damn tired after school lah. was having a severe headache so decided to go home. wasnt feeling very well. so cab-ed to hub with cong and deb. then brought food and homed. came home. change and eat finish the food and went to sleep. i think i slept from liek 3 plus to 6 plus. was damn tired alh.

okay. tomorrow is yet another tiring day in school. sometimes i really dread it ALOT.

so yeah. bye and nights peeps !!

sometimes, you just have to smile broadly and walk away as though nothing has happened.
that would be the best for evryone isnt it ?

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