Thursday, November 19, 2009

collition of emotions ,


had band in the morning. was fun though i was ultra tired. :>

went christine's house cos it was raining so heavily. imagine we are walking under shelter and yet we are still wet. imagine how heavy is the rain. (:

had lunch there. crapped. used comp. all that stuffs. then i realise her sister is damn ____ . fill in the blank yourself. ^^ no offence christine.

yup. homed. went to fetch my bro. VERY tired now. :<

at christine's house found out something that really REALLY pissed me off.
eh. wtf lah. just because i told you that we dont need your dad's help cos we dint want to trouble him and all those stuffs then you kp so much. think abt it first can. you also want fresh ingredients right. if you insist that the flavouring wont get in FINE. you dont eat. happy! damn fk-ing pissed off now lah.
we plan so hard yet you didnt even thankyou and over there kpkb. you think very easy plan isit. then you plan loh. stupid.

anws. gtg. have to call shihui abt the class chalet thing. an im SUPER DUPER UPER TIRED. NOW. byebye and nights peeps! :)

im really tired of waiting.

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