had history paper today. pretty fine. half way through the paper i was wondering to myself. why do even bother memorising and worrying so much about chapter 5 and chapter 6 when the majority of the paper is on chapter 2 and 3. i was like OMG.
anws, to me the paper was quite easy except for the fact that i memorize alot of notes and i literally just write out eveything i could remember and thus, i finsih the whole paper at about 9.10. c:
MYE still not over yet. still have 4 more papers to go and 1 more practical. my art exam is next thursday and i havent even done my prepertary work!! OMG. im so dead.
anw, after history paper, i went with the farm animals and a bush to KFC. actually intended to go library but change off plan so went to KFC instead. saw som of our school people there. and then we were eating there then crap about alot of stuffs and laugh alot. it was an enjoyable day.
after eating, we continue to sit there and crap and laugh and took alot of photos too. hahahs. photo will be uploaded later. hahahs.
after that, we went to amk hub and then went seperate ways and home sweet home! hahahs
enjoy!! c:
a cute KFC robot made by ah cong. :D
liyana with the robot. :)
the cool ah cong with her robot. :P
me with the robot. hahahs. c: they say that the robot and me look alike. o.O
christine with the robot. :)
dafinah and her crooked neck with the robot. hahahas. :D
last but no least, deborah woth the robot! hahahs
hahahs. liyana, deborah and me. i look so short! omg.
us again! :P
what are these two doing man?! hahahs.
the say no evil, see no evil and hear no evil. hahahs
and guess who is this with the robot? hahahs! :D
thats all for today i guess. shall come back with more interesting posts!! hahahs. c:
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