Friday, June 5, 2009


havent been updating for the past few days cause very lazy set up com.

okay anw, today went back to school to collect report book. was pretty fine though kinda dissapointed. 2As and the rest all Bs. like damn deproved lah. but at least level position still maintain 21. (:

then went band room. brought back snare drum to practice. i seriously dont want go for junior band on tues.. help pls anyone? .____.?

been pretty bored since the hoildays started. nothing to do then mum also dont want let me go out. >_____< irritating.

anw, i will be rich next week. got $100 cause i selling my old phone. HAHA. then i can buy the stuffs that i want. HAHAH. so happy. :D


okay i know its damn lame but im super bored!
been thinking about alot of things on bus rides home. (: I LOVE BUSRIDES.
all sorts of things. (:
but the scenery is nice too. hahahs okay damn random.


you know you are seriously getting on my nerves these few days.
for the past few days, the sight of you seriously irritate me alot.
how i wish i werent there or if you werent there.
just dont be so _________. and there will be no probs.
and stop being so show off about things that arent even interesting to other people can.


okay.. these few days been feeling very irritated. the F.A. will know. okay maybe just the horse and dog. (:
so yeah..

i think thats all for today. bye(s) and night(s)! =]

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