Sunday, June 7, 2009


today woke up at 11 plus. was damn tired. stayed up to atch a ridiculous horror show last night with my mum and sis. so slept only at 2 plus. :P

today only left me and sis at home. my mum, brother and grandmother went to visit my aunt who just had an operation. so only left the both of us. was damn hungry so went down to buy breakfast+lunch. then came home and eat. (:

then watched the cheetah girls 2 cause no more show to watch. but it was quite nice though. (:

then here am i blogging. IM DAMN BORED!


i kinda feel very frustrated these few days. lots of things is on my mind.
i seriously feel like just going for a holiday. where theres nothing to worry about.


okay. feeling damn moody these few days and headaches often comes out of nowhere. hate it. hais. cant life be better? =.=?

anws, i think thats all for today. bye(s).
shall come back with a liveier post.


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