Wednesday, July 8, 2009



got a change of blogskin. FINALLY. haha. simple. just what i want. (:

but today was a pretty shuay day. i sprained my ankle early in the morning! like wth lah. i didnt even have 1 period of lesson today. :( sad lah.
i dont even know how i fell down. i only know i missed a few steps then the next thing i knew, i was sitting on the floor. like wth. i didnt cry. haha.
and then the farm animals help me up and i strated feelng giddy and i see stars. LOL.
they help me down to the office and they went back for pe lesson.
THX ALOT. you guys rocks! FARM ANIMALS rocks! (:
then went home and my mum brought me to the sinseh. he talk a lot of crap and then finally say mine is just a minor injury and ligament a bit torn. then he dress my leg and gave me a big bottle of disgusting smelling medicine. I DONT WANT TO EAT IT!
its damn disgusting.
im damn BORED lah. i rather go school. (: i love school.

but my leg still kinda hurts. but dont care lah.

talk to christine just now and found out what happen in school and found out that she was pretty lucky today huh. HAHA. she know what i mean. ^^


i guess i shall stop here. so bye! (:
cant wait for tomorrow. (:
but my leg hurts!!

am i invisible to you?

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