Thursday, July 9, 2009


nowadays i find school seriously very boring lah. lessons is broing until i wanna sleep alr.

walao. today homeecons ms teo nvr come then no practical. :( sad lah. then throw all the practical stuffs into locker. almost full alr lah.

then el, nothing much except for change of sitting arrangement due to h1n1.
then chi wasnt listening for most of the time. HAHA.
double period of maths is killing me lah. by the time lesson end im alr half dead. :(

then tc, folded stars for the national day thing. LOL. my stars sucks lah. the paper so thick then so soft. damn hard to fold lah.

went hub with liayan and the rest and went to B1 to buy somethng to eat. brought the japanese egg roll thing. i mistook that for tako balls but it turn out to be pretty nice. (:

then homed. damn tired lah. was sleeping then christine called. then talk to her but i still feel like sleeping.


wasnt in a good mood today. damn pek chek for the whole day and my leg is damn irritating lah. o.o
so people, dont come and irritate me when im not in a good mood or else dont blame me.

okay lah. i nothing to say le. bye and night. (:
its nthing but just a lie.

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