Wednesday, July 29, 2009



times really flies. now is already week 5 and its wednesday alr! maths common test this friday. confirm damn hard. scared cannot pass how? :(
chrisitine 3 days never come liao. pang seh me. -_-
lucky got kelly pei me. HAHA. ^^ and of course the one and only farm animals. ^^

started day with woking up 5 mins late. o.o
then went to school kena sabo by kelly. she ar. all day long sabo me one.
then english. watch mind your language. IT WAS DAMN NICE AND FUNNY LAH! HAHA. ^^
then maths, was super stress. intensive man. ms ng squeeze everything into one lesson cause no more lessons in the week alr. causing everyone to have headache. :(
then geog, went through common test. HAHA. i PASSED! 14/20. expected to fail de loh. :P
then got one question whole class wanted to snatch for marks from mr tie. damn funny. everybody so ji dong. especially lynette. ^^
then lit, did the worksheet for unseeing.
then chem, ms kong didnt come then got one teacher came to take relief. but me, charmaine and timothy need go to animation lab to do survey thing which the class did on monday when i was sent home. -_-
then after school got art. mr yip gave some instructions then we can go hoem liao.
while waiting for 45, was thinking bout some stuffs. pretty frustrated bout it.

then came home, change and then went facebook-ing then here am i blogging. (:
then tomorrow still got niche but i havent done the timpani scores for my junior yet. like omg lah. die die die.
later have to choing alr. .___.


these few days dont really feel like coming home lah. my sis damn kp lah. abit thign scold scold then not happy then come kp me. asshole.
hate her lah.


think im falling sick soon. having cough. argh.. sian. :( and homeroom system is resumign next week lah. i dotn want. liek taht books cannot put under table liao. then now ahve to assemble at carpark. damn squeezy and dirty lah the floor. -_-
simply hate it.

i think i have got nothing more to say so bye!
good luck for common test everyone!! ^^

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