Saturday, July 25, 2009

its complicated.


been pretty listless these few days. thinking bout lots of stuffs inside my head. seriously lots of sutffs.
why are friends becoming strangers just because of external events that doesnt concern them? it really isnt fair lah.
and friendships are almost broke up by a person or more. is history really gonna repeat itself? im trying my very best to protect everything i can. including my friends.
i really hate it.
now that you are gradually leaving my life, my life seems so much simpler. though i know you wil still lurk somewhere in me.

been having frequent headaches these few days. seriuosly hate it. it sucks man the feeling. these few days i just feel that things are going to happen but just dont know what.


was pretty bored just now so decided to read some parts of harry potter and the deathly hallows though i ahve long finished the book. realise that its a really good past time. (:

actually i have got nothing more to say lah.
but parents are just simply biased.

anws, bye and night. (:

im just not as happy as before.

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