Tuesday, July 14, 2009


school as per normal but lessons are just so boring without homeroomsystem lah. everyday sit down there at the same seat. then i sitting in front somemore. sian until like siao lah.

anws, ms chye told us that the new tchr is teaching us lit for this week. like wth lah. i dont like her.
el lesson was boring too. i wanna go back my own el class. more fun loh.
then follow by niche. nothing much happen.
then el, same same.
then maths. boring. o:

and guess what. i left my textbook in my locker and i have got maths homework. die lah. but dont care lah. tomorrow go school copy can liao. (:

then cong and deb want go kfc so went but really make the wrong choice. i dont feel like elaborating anymore.

then went hub shopping for presents but obviously havent brought anything yet. going again tomorrow. so sian sia. dont know wat to buy. :(


actually, i have got nothing more to say. so bye and night!

p.s. liyana, get well soon!! come back school soon okay. (: take care!! ^^

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