Saturday, July 11, 2009

feeling crazy.


im back for a second post today. HAHA.

okay. i dont know why but i have got the urge to laugh for all i can now but i cant cause my family is sleeping. i must be insane. just ignore me. ^^

nothign happen much. but i happen to be having a great appetite today. eat very fast for all the meals and my mum and sis got shock by that. LOL.

then watch show throughout the day while doing something else of course. and called christine to ask her bout somehting. and found out that she at botanical garden with her family JUST because her sis suggested to go there to eat pig leg. like LOL. okay.

i told you im insane thats why im talking crap. must have taken something wrong or is this a sign that somehting good will happen soon? i dotn know lah. HAHAHA.
suddenly so high.


okay lah. im almost like going crazy alr lah. im like controlling myself not to laugh lest not to wake my family up except for my sis who is watching show with me.


i wanna go sleep cause im going out tomorrow. (: and tomorrow's my AMA birthday. happy advance birthday ama! HAHA. ^^

STILL FEELING VERY HIGH. anybody got any remedy to stop having the urge to laugh? LOL.

anws, bye and night. ^^

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