Sunday, July 12, 2009

shopping craze! ^^


went shopping with my sis today at compass point. brought quite alot of things. actually still wanna go plaza sing and velocity cause i wanna buy clothes and my sis wanna buy bag. but didnt go in the end. :( naxt time maybe. (:

school is starting tomorrow. sian. somemore tomorrow first period is history. wa sian.. i sitting right in front somemore. in front of teacher. T.T super sian. :(

okay im damn bored now. cause nothing to do besides blogging and facebooking. and my sis is like camwhoring lots of things around me. crazy. must be insane too. :D

oh ya. i recover from my crazy laughing illness yesterday. HAHA. afetr a sleep. but im having weird dreams. O.o


okay. im going for dinner later cause its my ama birthday. but everytime also go same place eat eat until sian alr lah.

anws, i saw my pri sch friend today when eating breakfast at amk central. (:
my sis say he not so fat alr. HAHA. baby fats gone. oh ya he grew taller too. always say i very short but now i still shorter than him, obvious. (:
guess everyone change alot during the two years that has past yeah.


okay. gotta go. bye! ^^ its just another boring day. :(
so sian.

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