Friday, July 24, 2009



today nohing much happen in school just that i realise that our class is like super duper duper NOISY. ^^ cause today, took temp and 4 people kana send down including mr tie so no tchr ma. then the class like creating havoc in class lah. i was inside the toilet which was 1 classroom away and i could actually hear my class shouting. so imagine how loud it is. but had an enjoyable time. I LAUGH UNTIL I CRY LAH. haha. LOL. then lynette also never take her pills today. HAHA. keep laughing.

then actually recieve news that 8 people from my class including me is to stay at hoem on mon for precautionary actions. cause of hini. then at first we were not sppose to go in contact with each other but we went to do project at my house then mr tie called. then he found out that we were together and said that he will punish us which he wont de right? HAHA. then he actaully called to tell us that we are to go to school on monday lah. wth. i wanna sleep de leh. .__.
then we at my house finish the bio project while we were laughing like mad especially LYNETTE. told you she never take her pills alr. wakaka. ^^

then, here i am blogging. still feeling damn hyper lah. have the urge to laugh. ^^
i hope that mr tie will call again and tell us that w do need go school on monday lah. that would be the best! at least one day also good lah hor. HAHA.

i got nothing more to say so bye!

p.s. just realise that im laughing damn alot today. ^^

without you,
my life seems so much happier.

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