Saturday, July 11, 2009


woke up early today due to kelly's phone call in the morning. damn tired. and here i am blogging. (:

okay. yesterday.

had common test. pretty fine. had a sleep afetr i finish the paper. HAHA.
after that was el then pc period. we had to do a YCKSS mindmap thingy. which i dont really know what is that. HAHA.
then geo, felt like sleeping. *yawns*
then chem. last period! yay! then school finally finish. (:

went band room with the rest of them cause christine is there celebrating yuhui's birthday. (: went to find christine then on the way wish yuhui happy birthday then fang yu wanna put powder on her then she pull me go then i also kanna. wth. but fun. HAHA.

then went to liyana's house. eat and crapped alot. then talk and talk then went to liyana's room and discovered alot of "treasures". HAHA. then used her com to go online and show them somethings. then christine was in a rush to go home so we took cab back to hub. (:

then came home. actaully wanted to use com but my sis using so i went into my room then i fall asleep and only woke up at 7.30. damn shoik. HAHA.

okay. then i ask my ama to take out the bandage on my ankle for me cause i dont dare take out. IT STINKS! and i went to wash the harden medicine off my leg and appears that my ankle is still swollen lah. sad sia. WTH. but im not going to take the medicine no matter what. but this morning gone down by a bit already. HAHA.
anw, thx to those who ask about my leg. you guys are the best. (: but my leg still hurts abit. but its gonna be fine soon!! ^^


okay. i have got nothing more to update alr. (: so bye!

did i make the wrong choice?

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