Sunday, July 5, 2009


actually wanted to post ytd but very tired so decided not to.

went out with my family ytd to marina square. went to kbox first. aand the person told us cause its weekend so its pretty crowded and she say she will give us a BIGGER room.
so we didnt expect the room to be really very big. and the place was really so big.
we went round and round looking for the room. and we started walking around and every staff there appears to know we are looking for the room 802. so got one staf broought us there.
and then we were damn shocked. the room is SUPER BIG lah. the room has a pool table in it. what do you think? its damn big and the sofa is damn long too. then we left at 5 plus to go shopping.

walk around to find the things that i want to buy and my mum say she has a budget of $100 for me. HAHA. so in the end, i brought a nike bag and some clothes. (: damn happy.

then went to yoshinoya for dinner. pretty nice. then homed.

damn tired that i slept on the bus. (:
slept at 11pm after watching boys over flowers.


liyana sms me at 10 plus but it turns out that im sleeping so i didnt reply until 11 plus. im sorry.

then i sms christine. then talk talk talk until she told me she is having her cat lesson. then i was like lawls. o.o

and i was facebook-ing just now and went to do christine's quiz and i got 66%. and i say chritine ar. you really is out to sabo me. and you shall die on tues i tell you. you shall see how i deal with you. muahahaha. :D


erm. okay. i think thats all for today. (: so bye and night!
having dreams almost every night.

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