Tuesday, July 21, 2009


sorry for th lack of posts for the past few days. very lazy to update.
actually, nothing much happen. just like the normal life. LOL.

this week's common test is history and geog. sian. havent even started preparing for it yet lah. damn slack. i know.
then ms ng told us that next week maths common test will be damn difficult. omg. die lah. comfirm cannot pass one loh. .__.
hate it lah. almost fall asleep in class lah. damn tired and boring. was going through pythagoas' threom and kinda understand that topic. havent even touch the homework. :(


involve in certain things that happen these few days. frutrated with people and things.
and maybe just one person in particular. guess some of you will know who i talking about. if not, forget it.
pretty moody cause im seriously very tired.
AND THERES STILL PE TOMORROW! wah.. will die one lah.


okay. times really flies lah. its already the 4th week of school. and its the mid of july alr. damn fast lah. and soon, next friday, will be 31st of july then national day coming. like damn fast.
haiz. i guess we just have to cherish what we have around us and keep the promises we made right?
okay. LOL.

i got nothing more to say and plus i have to go revise my work and do homewrok. ^^

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